Multiple help centers coming to JSM

 Multiple what?

Multiple Help Centers RFC 

That's right, everyone! More help centers are coming. This also huge news from folks at Atlassian. Here's the crucial sentence: Customers who have apps on their existing Help Center will continue to see these apps there. So, if you have 5 apps, and there are customers that are new to your site, you can guide them - like a good leader. Follow the leader - Korn. Anyway, your users have no clue what easyBI is all about. They don't wanna scroll around the YouTube on the work - I mean they can, but they want to have everything in one place. For some reason, the Confluence documentation is missing...This can solve your troubles!
Guide them through each app. Share the knowledge with them (simply copy paste everything from the actual guide. Or use ChatGPT - but you have to pay 20$ a month for updated information. But how accurate is the AI? Not really, it's not. I'm not gonna say anything about the monkeys playing ping pong using the power of their brain. That's a different topic. 
Sadly, the EAP is not active anymore. We need to wait and be patient. 
15 Waiting Memes That Even the Most Patient Person Can Relate to 
Well, not that long.


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