WTF is Confluence mission control?

 The space station

See the monitors with the data, graphs and all of the good stuff? Ahhh...the smell of sheer power of a Confluence admin. That's right it's the Confluence mission control. Now I am convinced that Atlassian loves Star Trek. Or Star Wars? Anyhow, it's a one place stop for having all of the data in one place. How many spaces there are, who are the admins, how many spaces have been viewed...etc.

Even how many Confluence searches! I mean, we all do use Confluence...right? FOR SURE! It's only available for the Premium and above users, so you would have to cash out a bit more in order to have more power. Remember: with great power, comes the great responsibility. Remember that Pete. I cried after that scene.

                                             Video owned by: Atlassian

If you are indeed interested more of this feature, you can see it all here:


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